Paradigm of open online access to world knowledge resources: the era of transformation of libraries into the scientific community of the Internet

  • Shapovalova G.M. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The article reflects the effectiveness and public importance of the paradigm of free access to the world electronic resources of knowledge of modern libraries of universities, institutes, research organizations. The library as the oldest cultural Institute serves for the benefit of society,
collecting and storing huge volumes of works of press and writing, and taking into account the introduction of information technologies, telecommunication technologies, "end-to-end" - innovative technologies, the prospects of using artificial intelligence systems as one of the tools of
scientists, graduate students and students, not only in paper but also in electronic format, which contribute to cultural, educational, scientific and professional activities. The author is convinced that knowledge is such a phenomenon that modern society needs, and the development of so-
ciety and all its institutions, including the state, is possible only with highly educated citizens who have not only knowledge, but also features of a highly moral person. In the era of digital technologies, the active integration of electronic libraries into the world library system continues, libraries as subjects organize and improve the production process, taking into account the introduction of scientific and technological progress, as one of the global factors determining the huge potential of libraries. Thanks to the international global Internet and access to library resources online, scientists around the world have the opportunity to comprehensive and interactive access to the knowledge accumulated throughout the history of mankind in various scientific fields. Reputable scientists, young scientists and researchers seek to place their work in journals with a high impact factor, the publication of which, unfortunately, is quite expensive. Another part of the scientific community cannot, at no cost, get access to their publications. The author wants to draw attention to the fact that there is a way out of this situation on the conditions of conscientious compliance with international legal obligations in the recognition of the open access paradigm on the principle of legality, and this, in turn, will ensure the continuity of the process of development of science in all its fields in the world.

Keywords: paradigm, open access, electronic libraries, society, knowledge, free license, infor-
mation technologies, Internet, information resources, digital cultural heritage, state, scientists.